Monday 4 January 2010

In preparation for our second Preliminary Task - James

We've just been told we have to do the SAME THING AGAIN, and it's really quite upsetting. I suppose it gives us another shot at it, seeing as we made royal d***heads of ourselves last time. Last time, we went for an over complicated plot, and tried to deconstruct continuity, when in all actuality, we were meant to show we could do continuity. Fail. Anyways, we thought for our next preliminary task, we'd be smarter: Simpler plot, better shots, generally more effort. A lot more thought has been put into this preliminary so that we can get the full marks for it, rather then doing the EXACT opposite of what we did before.

Our idea for our preliminary task, the one we are actually going to use and NOT muck up, is a conversation between 2 rather shady characters, talking about picking up ''the stuff''. Little bit of confrontation, and some quick camera work, and it should turn out well. Here's hoping. Skittles...

-James <3>

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